Ridiculous Cookies

Ridiculous Cookies

Steve Traversa of Ridiculous Cookies – Ridiculous Cookies is an artisan bakery founded on the belief that when you do something, you should do it right. We bake only a select few recipes refined to perfection and meticulously hand crafted to ensure an exquisite taste experience. We take pride in using only the finest ingredients in our cookies, and that’s evident in every bite.

We use real, freshly roasted espresso beans, no “flavor granules” or “nibs”. We crush them ourselves, and fold them into tempered Belgian dark chocolate. This is allowed to set, then is broken into small pieces and mixed into each batch of cookies. We use only real Belgian dark chocolate, no cheap substitutes. Every bit of chocolate in and on our cookies is “tempered.”

Tempering is the process of melting and cooling the chocolate to precise temperatures, which is what gives it the semi-shiny look, the desired “snap” in the bite and the silky-smooth feel that fine chocolate should have. Scientifically speaking, it causes the cocoa butter in the chocolate to harden with a uniform crystal structure. Foodie speaking, it’s just better.

We are a small, local company and our goal is to provide the best possible food and customer experience to those who appreciate it as much as we do! For more info, visit our website!

Spotlight Details:

Steve Traversa


Ridiculous Cookies

Company Name

